This is why you shouldn’t rely on Wikipedia for anything important (this post isn’t important!)
Save The Cooperage
Free Speech Is Free (I Don’t Care What It Says)
Fighting Neo-Nazis and the Future of Free Expression
I am deeply disturbed by this knee jerk blocking. The EFF make some great points but even they seem afraid of offending by mentioning. Never would I agree with these opinions, but as Voltaire never said, you can say them.
The World Wide Web Project
The Space Doctor’s Big Idea
(Not a Doctor Who piece)
Pick A Myth
Google Maps Gallery
Surprised more hasn’t been made of the Google Maps Gallery. Lots of nice stuff there, including a load of historic maps.
Zero Carbon
Final got a page up about The Greenways, one of EngDesigns recent projects. One of the first zero-carbon residential developments with some interesting features.
Turing Pardoned
Alan Turing pardoned. About time; now do the same for all the others convicted under that law.
Vitamin Overload
…that most beguiling of all logical falsehoods — if a little is good, then more must be better
Remember, that recommended allowance means a limit to more as well as less.