The Village

The Village

Early childhood memories. Doggy and Mrs Buntun. Don’t know where Mr Policeman is though

This was one of the toys which just stopped me in my tracks. This brought back stupidly early childhood memories. I can remember playing with this (and, I think, other items from the range) on the living room carpet. Doggy (who I believe belonged to Mrs Buntun (or possibly Bunton)) would wander off from the main events and lie face down on the carpet, at which point I would loudly declare “Mr Policeman, Mr Policeman, Doggy’s chewing the carpet”. The collection in the museum didn’t seem to have a Mr Policeman though.

I remember the dark skinned character (which sadly seems quite innovative for current times never mind when this was produced) and think I must have had a second because they would be referred to as the “chocolate people” in my terrible incorrect way (had the characters been mainly dark skinned with a couple of lighter ones I wonder if they would have become the ice cream people). I can’t recall if they were the twins or if that was another couple. Pretty sure there were two gentlemen shared a bed too.

I do wish my mother were still alive to ask.

So, we have a carpet munching dog, terribly racist but innocent descriptions of two men, and gay living arrangements. What a strange place my young mind was.

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