Bletchley Breakers

Recently a member of WAY organised a trip to Bletchley Park, base of the World War 2 code breakers—probably best known in the public conscious as “the place Alan Turing built a computer to break the German Enigma”, almost none of which is true. A whole bunch of us turned Continue reading

Proper Engineer

The great Isambard Kingdom Brunel offering advice to an assistant, William Bell, as quoted in : You cannot take too much pains in making everything in equilibrio; that is to say that all forces should pass exactly through the points of greater resistance, or through the centres of any surfaces Continue reading

Gurgling Cathedral

Of things to do on a afternoon going to a place well known for excrement may not be high on the list. When that place is part of the mass Victorian infrastructure of London things are different though. So Heather, Gemma, and I went out to find Crossness Pumping Station.


I just found this post, written a couple of years ago, languishing in drafts. I can’t quite recall whatever points it was trying to make now but I thought I may as well publish in case it’s useful or interesting to anyone. It’s worth noting that while it refers to Continue reading

Attempt number 5 or 6 to get into the mystery locked room. There had better be treasure!