BREDEM-12/SAP 2009 Cooking, Appliances, and Lighting Energy Use Comparison

Graph showing variation of annual energy used in cooking and for appliances and lighting as a function of floor area, as calulated by BREDEM-12 and SAP

BREDEM-12/SAP 2009 Cooking, Appliances, and Lighting Energy Use Comparison

Comparison of the total energy usage from cooking, appliances, and lighting as calculated by BREDEM-12 and SAP 2009 for a range of total floor areas

The total energy usage for appliances, lighting and cooking as calculated by BREDEM-12 and SAP 2009 over a range of floor areas. Dashed lines show the results obtained by each method but calculating occupancy using the opposing methodology.

Cooking has been assumed to be an equal mixture of gas and electric

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