Photos : Trips : Canterbury May 2016 Old RowGatewayPassageBlack GriffinGriffinImpressive LibraryA Royal MuseumCanterburyMarket CrossLook This WayBlowingYes, YouCastle InteriorThere Is A KeepCastle TreesGround LevelSpirallingPrincess In The TowerHi From The TowerTube UpSwirly LineCastle Circa 1200 ADCome On ThenMotteGun HoleTowerOpen BackedCathedralWar MemorialBandstandCanterbury BeefeaterSculptureFountainBig HeadJolly FellowPretty RiverSun HotelThe City Arms InnTale of a ChurchOld Weaver’s HouseBack Of The GateGatewayPatterned WallsMarlowe StatuePilgrim’s HospitalPointy ChurchBelfreyGargoyleMatching GargoyleGardens and CathedralKing of KentBerthaFancy GatewayAbbey FieldChurchCoveredCyrptOver The CryptArchFrom Abbey To CathedralHeather ExploringA River ViewA City?Signal Box