Photos : Trips : Chester - July 2015 Here We Are AgainLittle HouseThe StartAt The ZooElephantHaving A DrinkElephant FamilyDonkey LikeDuckPrettyBanteng!Newcastle FanTapirHello ThereVery TallHigh HeadPeekTropical BirdJava SparrowsRed FolyYellow HeadOwlCurious Looking ChapPeking RobinBig PigeonMonkeySpot the SlothTurtleFunky GibbonPeeing OrangutanFlamingosFLamingos in the SunPenguinsPenguin GroupTigersChocolate Mummy?Chocolate is GoodTHe BatCapybaraTapirZebraZebra CloseupZebra HeadNyalaRoan AntelopeAntelopePaintingUpclosePhoto ShootBig GuyHead Up and DownLooking BackSniff the AirNo Insurance InvolvedThe Meerkat ThingDucksSleeping in a RowForkPied BullCheeky FellowHoot Gets Married