A friend we’d only ever met online was appearing in an outdoor performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, playing a cross-gendered Bottom. So, in a first outing to any sort of event in a post Covid world, Heather, Faith and I made the journey to Polesden Lacey to see Emma Love’s Bottom!
Emma was as wonderful as expected, both in the role of Bottom (her braying laugh following transformation by Puck a highlight), and in actual, real life person! The sun stayed out, a picnic was had, and the world was almost normal. We must not be used to it though, as bother Heather and I were knackered next day!

Ready For The Show

Rude Mechanicals

Faries Attending

Cop A Feel

Pyramus With The Man In The Moon

Grins All Round
The four meet at last
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