Pardew Out

I have sat, if not in support, then on the fence for some time in the Pardew debate. This has, I have to confess, been mainly because I really don’t see who will come in and replace him. However, the time surely has come to find out. Our manager has on too many occasions failed to inspire the players under his charge (possibly in some cases to completely alienating them). Whilst I’ve felt sympathy for his obvious lack of control over who is in his squad his main job must be to gel those available into a team—something that he seems to struggle to do.

That isn’t my main reason for finally joining the calls for his head. That is his inability to find anything that works for the players he has. Pardew persists in playing a formation which, at least under him, leaves us struggling to find shots let alone goals. An over crowded midfield have no focus with little deep threat. When midfielders do find themselves forward it is all too often wide with nothing in the box. And Pardew’s plan B appears to be nothing but like for like changes (baffling often in the fullback position) which result in no variation to the attacking play which has failed to work. All this is leaving aside his apparent inability to coach a defence, or even a decent free kick.

Surely, somebody can do better than that.

What I really want is Ashley to sell to somebody who actually cares about this club, this way of life. What I will settle for is a manager with some ideas.

The BBC Should Decide How Prudish To Be

There has been quite some controversy over a Columbian women’s cycling teams kit this week. So much so, the BBC Sport section reported on it. This is the photograph (a full version of which was widely distributed over the internet) they used to illustrate the story;

A Columbian women's cycling team (censored)

Censored version of cycling kit

A Columbian women’s cycling team (censored)

As the story notes, that version has a slight alteration. Today, linked to directly from the most read section of the BBC news front page, is a Newsbeat story about bad sports kits, inspired by the cycling story. The accompanying photograph there is this one:

A Columbian women's cycling team (un-censored)

Cycling kit

A Columbian women’s cycling team (un-censored)

That’s entirely uncensored. So the question is, do the BBC believe they should be covering up or not?

To Mark A Day

Today I shall work, work which seven years ago I took the first step upon. Seven years ago another step was taken, at a station, in my heart. We walked together, travelling on, you and I so briefly but so wonderfully.

Tonight I shall laugh. As I laughed with you. I miss the laugh, from you and how you brought it from me.

I continue to take steps in this life, though the path you now walk is shrouded to me. I hope that they meet again, these forks, some time and I can hold you again.

Today is my anniversary and always will be my pixie.

Trinity Carbuncle

Interesting news that the Trinity Square development in my home town of Gateshead is listed in Building Design Magazine’s shortlist for the Carbuncle Cup this year (it’s interesting to see that another of the shortlist has a huge Tesco attached too). Hopefully the fact that the judging panel includes Owen Luder, architect of the car park and shopping centre it replaced, means this monstrosity will be recognised for how awful it is!

Update: News comes that Spenhill’s other shortlisted development won (Spenhill being Tesco in disguise). To be fair it looks even worse than Gateshead, if possible (even the architect’s “this is more representative” picture is terrible