Pretty Balls
Heather and I have a long standing tradition of braving the cold around the time of my birthday of braving the cold to enjoy the Canary Wharf Winter Lights. This year we went on a after work.
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Heather and I have a long standing tradition of braving the cold around the time of my birthday of braving the cold to enjoy the Canary Wharf Winter Lights. This year we went on a after work.
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As I mentioned in the last post we were at Tower Bridge close to Heather’s birthday (and mine), and so we’d actually made a weekend of it. We’d had dinner in a restaurant the and been in a hotel for that early bridge start. So we had the rest of and to enjoy, and had decided to take in some culture.
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We all got old at breakneck speed
It’s a fine view even when it’s a bit foggy
Back in Heather and I visited Tower Bridge. As I briefly mentioned, it happens to be Heather’s favourite bridge, so I thought she deserved to see bit more of it as a little birthday treat. Which is why we found ourselves on a cold Saturday morning, standing outside the engine rooms, ready for a guided, behind the scenes tour.
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