This is part 2 of 3, covering the middle of my holiday. Part 1 is here, and part 3 here.
Day 5 (Friday)—Arrival
The Millennium Bridge is lit with ever changing colours each nightRainbow
Newcastle safely gained there was a quick stop to show off the Centurion Bar in the station before a taxi took us to the nice hotel (a short walk from the Millennium Bridge, and Sage so not quite so out the way as it might feel). The bed was certainly comfy, so we slept.
Day 6 (Saturday)—Home Town
They’ve put the sign up on the Tyne Bridge about 2 weeks earlyGreat North Run Bridge
We past round the outside of Eldon Square, taking in the Grainger Market before heading into the shopping centre itself. By this time Heather’s bag had managed to break so we actually had a purpose in looking for a new one. Eventually we wandered round Haymarket to Northumberland Street where Primark provided a new bag. As Heather needed to transfer bag contents I fulfilled something of a personal tradition and took her to
Part of old Newcastle’s defensesRound Tower
We came to the better of Newcastle’s cathedrals, St Nicholas. I’ve always liked that cathedral, it seems a more human scale than the sheer grandeur of some cathedrals, and it has the power to remind me of someone very special, so I don’t mind at all wandering its quiet places.
All the walking had worked up an appetite and hungry we headed for Stowell Street, famed for its Chinese restaurants, passing through the cloisters of Blackfriars on the way. Heather picked one out based on website recommendations. It’s hard to decide if the influx of Chinese was a good sign or not, given what they were being served obviously only bore a passing resemblance to the food cooked up for us but judging by the food we had possibly not. At least we didn’t have to worry about someone coming to our table with three or four waitresses seeming fighting over us!
That seemed quite enough for one day so we headed back to the hotel for what felt like well earned rest.
Day 7 (Sunday)—Back In Time
I don’t think the destination board is quite rightCentral Station Destination
We hopped on a tram down to the pit village, a typical northern thing for the period. We looking into its hall before heading to the school, which always evokes memories of my old primary/junior school (particularly the big ceramic sinks at the entrance). There were plenty of children playing with the hoop and rings and sitting at the old wooden desks. I slipped behind a desk myself but thankfully avoided any of the exercises being handed out!
Relaxing in the kitchenCat
Having gotten past the great shire horses and a tractor we went in search of the promised new piglets. There was a pig, then some chickens (one being calmly but determinedly held by a young girl) until we eventually found the crowd around the pen in which the new piglets were feeding from their mother. I think I still prefer the ducks by the pond on the way back down the hill to catch the tram to the town though.
An old style store with shop keeperShop
Refreshed we went onwards to the terrace, the displaced Ravensworth Terrace. Rebuilt brick by brick, in its previous location it backed onto where my mam lived as a child and stood next to where my old school was. It wasn’t until I read it stood until 1985 that I realise I think I have a vague memory of them pulling it down (certainly I remember the rubble strewn field where it stood, before they rebuilt the school there). It’s been done to represent the well-to-do of the age, with a dentist and a lawyer’s office included.
Heather gets her turn on the carouselWave From The Horse
Travelling around in the past is pretty tiring so Heather got her wish to try out the hotel restaurant that evening. It was, like most hotel’s catering, pretty uninspiring but at least it was close.
Day 8 (Monday, again)—Visiting and Football
Centre of the castleThere's The Keep
The best view of the Black Gate we could get as it undergoes renovationBlack Gate
Having explored the castle we walked round a bit more of Newcastle. We headed back towards the river, passing behind the central station to the extant section of town wall we hadn’t yet seen. Running out of walls we marvelled at the “was’oles” (blocked openings) in the old warehouses on the steep hill down to the quayside.
The walking and climbing had again certainly given us an appetite so we called into the The Quayside bar for food. I then had just enough time to walk Heather back as far as the Sage before being a very bad boyfriend and abandoning her for the evening to go and watch football (she didn’t mind too much, probably glad to get a break from me, though given the hammering the lads took I almost wished I hadn’t bothered).
Day 9 (Tuesday)—Return To York
Found one with her nameHeather's Boat
The plan had always been to leave cases with the left luggage at York station so we went to do that, only to discover it wasn’t there! Due to “security concerns” the left luggage has been thrown out and moved down the road. So now instead of an X-ray machine and questions about fire arms there’s now a bloke in a portacabin!
Cases safely stored we wandered round a bit before more, calling in the Kings Arms—famed for its frequent flooding—then walking down the river (avoiding another boat ride even if there was a little red hire boat named for Heather) and round Clifford’s Tower before more or less stumbling over Fairfax House. It’s more Heather’s thing than mine, though the architecture of the attached ex-cinema is nice. It was OK though, even if I had to put up with “room guides” talking at us, a style of presentation I dislike.
An old building hiding at the centre of YorkAdventurer's Hall
We more or less ran out of time after that so off we went to collect bags and sit waiting for our train in the station pub (the York Tap looks good, didn’t know that was there—one for next time). Then it was off through the sunny countryside for an hour to reach Scarborough and the seaside. There, after a brief rest in another pub, we headed for the B&B, making the mistake of walking what looked a much easier journey. The accommodation was functional at best but we didn’t intend spending much time in it anyway. Indeed, we headed out that night to find a shop, getting rather over excited with goodies when we did. And then to bed, ready for paddling and sand and sea, other wise know as part 3.
There’s a page of photos from Newcastle (and one from Beamish) and some from York.
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