Exhibiting The North
A journey north with friends to see an exhibition that seemed only half there. Much tourism of city and coast was had anyway Continue reading
A journey north with friends to see an exhibition that seemed only half there. Much tourism of city and coast was had anyway Continue reading
Having gone to Dover last year we found we missed our trip to Hastings that much we just had to return this year. So it was that Heather & I found ourselves negotiating the trains to the south coast rain. Continue reading
This year’s WAY AGM was in the land of Shakespeare, at his home town of Stratford-Upon-Avon. So it was a surprisingly small train took us out of the hustle of London and away to a more tranquil town. Stratford really does make an impression. Emerging from the station to be Continue reading …
With a double bank holiday Heather and I left the home in search of egg laying bunnies heading, like for the coast at Hastings.