A fun animation of planetary rotation and tilt Continue reading
Things Tagged: physics
Just put some foil over the top of a bowl and for some reason was suddenly transported back to covering a port on a UHV chamber. Haven’t done that in a while.
Antineutrino Daleks
Gravitational wave detection by LIGO (audio is a conversion of the detection signal)
From Star Dust
Cool image showing the source of elements in the universe. Continue reading
The Space Doctor’s Big Idea
(Not a Doctor Who piece)
Like I Never Left
Newcastle University have started teaching physics degrees again. About time too. Seems like a long time since I was under their tutelage; they should never have stopped.
Feline Physics
Been amused by this tale of cat authorship 🙂 Now I’m wondering if any other felines have published? The paper incidentally is . Can’t believe a cat has a PRL!
A Docade?
Subtitle: How the IOP made me feel old! The IOP AGM is coming up soon. As part of the announcement the usual sort of bumph is mailed out, including a list of candidates for various positions. Among those names, standing for “Vice-President, Science & Innovation”, one is quite familiar. Sarah Continue reading …
A Slinky Paper
Via the always wonderful What if? what may be my new favourite silly paper. I can’t help but think there are some fun A-level/undergrad experiments to be had out of that. Come to think of it, I have a staircase, so if I get a slinky…