
The End of Time

Time: Frame 1

First Frame of Time

Time: Frame 1

This is something of a strange post but it needs marking. For about four months or so I followed a single panel of a comic; slowly; a single scene changing every hour.

The sandcastle has risen

Time: Frame 870

The sandcastle has risen

For quite a while it was simply about two people building a sandcastle. They started off small and then got bigger and bigger, until they could build no higher. Unfortunately, the sea was rising, to claim their castle (not that the understood why the sea was rising).

Whilst I’ve been following through one of several community made viewers when necessary (particularly to look back at past frames) it’s been mainly through the remarkable community that build up in a forum thread. I never had the time to participate but I have watched as a diverse range of people have analysed, joked, created (art, music, traditions and language) and bonded one picture at a time. If you wish to learn about what experiencing Time was like you could do worse than to “blitz” that thread, starting from page 1, though you could always read the Wiki.

Frame 2047 from Time

Time: Frame 2047

Frame 2047 from Time

We followed our heroes (Cueball and Megan, collectively “Cuegan”—or “Megball”) as they set of on a lonely adventure through unknown lands. There was danger, and mystery with strangers met and insights gained. None of which goes even part way to doing justice to the artistry with which Randall Munroe (the GLR—Great Lord Randall) worked.

A frame from Time

Time: Frame 2440d

A frame from Time

I’m going to miss that thread, and The Comic. I will not know what to do with myself in idle (and at times not so idle) moments anymore.

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