
Leaving You In Time

As I write this, tapping on a phone, I am sat in the Green Dragon. Our pub; our place. How many times have I sat tapping like this, messaging you? How many times have I sat here with you, the madness around us?

There are things different, the subtle changes unnoticed with constant attention but jarring when time is allowed to intervene. I am left in a world where I sat and loved so much with you but with a disconnect, a side step, into a slightly different place.

Today I went to Coe Avenue for likely the last time. It was empty. The one place we ever shared, however disrupted. There is so much familiar and yet so much empty.

I carry on. Things change when unobserved by the eye’s blinking. And somehow you are left in time, seconds subtly mounting while no one looks. I do not want you so far away.

I can close my eyes in such a familiar place and you are there, within the blinks. You are there and I feel you and sometimes I do not want open those eyes again and see all those changes. Do not want you to be somewhere in the blinks of time.

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