When you’ve watched a documentary about an online sex toy retailer and the credits thank the Ordnance Survey?? What exactly were they mapping?
The Difficult Part Is Trying To Pour
I thought I’d mentioned Bob Hoover here before but it was actually during a different life. Anyway, here he is, pouring a glass of tea:
Or you might prefer some aerobatics (without engines, of course):
If angels have wings, he’s the best flyer of them all.
A Short Birthday Remembrance
It would have been my mam’s birthday today. I miss her silliness and warmth and wisdom. My life has twisted and turned perhaps more (certainly more sharply) than ever before since she has been gone. I wish she had been there to guide me. I wish I could introduce Heather to her. I wish we could have a silly conversation, and a hug.
I raise a glass of whisky tonight, to the best, to my dwarfy.
Dogs In The North

Wor Geordie
Whey Aye man
Time for a little trip northwards to my lovely old home town of Newcastle as we hadn’t been in a little while. We went with plans to see some more far afield sights by it became dominated by some wonderful snowdog sculptures.
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Do They Have Parties?
I don’t know if they have parties, wherever, whatever, your spirit is. They should do. There should be cake, and drink. There should be fun and laughter. And you are there, so there must be love. I wish I could celebrate with you my pixie. <3