

Having got back into the swing of things (pun intended) with a bit of a Shed Seven boogie we were quickly back to Brixton Academy for something a bit more wild, as the The Libertines took over.

It’s worth arriving early to a Libertines gig because there tends to be a couple of support acts. First up were Shop Girls, who weren’t girls but were alright, given they didn’t have much attention being paid to them. Following on came Cruel Hearts Club, who were girls. They weren’t bad, or overwhelmingly good, but there you go.

In the middle somewhere Ed Cosens (bass player with Reverend And The Makers) came out to play some songs, and was very good.

There was also a weird poet, who I think was only there to wind up the now packed crowd.

The main event though were The Libertines, who started off hard and kept going, an energy and sound that lifted the crowd away. It’s a while since I’ve been in such an energetic gig crowd, not so much a mosh pit down the front as a heaving all over the floor. Great fun.

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