All Action
A close view of the band performing
Somewhere in all the chaos of going into isolation thanks to COVID-19 (setting up home office to work from home, generally trying to work out shopping arrangements, etc) got lost the fact that just before all that Heather and I went to see the Stereophonics at the O2 Arena. It’s been ages since we saw them (we were supposed to a couple of years ago but didn’t because of snow). Supported by the too chatty The Wind And The Wave, the ‘Phonics were as awesome as we remembered.

Yellow Jacket

The Wind And The Wave

In The Spotlight


Colourful Stage Lights

Green Tinge

Saxaphone And Guitar


Band Closeup

Rainbow Spot

The Band


Intimate Shot

All Action

Pretty String Lights

Adam Zindani .Close


Smoky Stage

Rocking Out

Colourful Criss Cross

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