I’ve already said on this nice new and shiny site that bank holidays are for castles. As there was just another then one might expect a castle—and indeed there was, though on the Sunday rather than the Monday. Monday brought a park, and deer.
Tonbridge With A Castle
The gatehouse is fairly formidableImposing
There has been a castle at the site since Richard fitz Gilbert established a motte and bailey affair shortly after the arrival of the Normans but Tonbridge’s most impressive remaining feature is undoubtedly the thirteenth century gatehouse. Guarding the approach to the castle from the north the Gatehouse was once linked via the curtain wall to the stone shell keep sitting on top of the motte. The keep itself (only foundations at best remain) was unusual in essentially being two concentric circular walls, between which were formed rooms, with a central open area That curtain wall ran round to encircle the bailey, though unfortunately the corner towers have been lost. The river was also channelled to form a wet moat around the castle, which must have made the compact castle quite a stronghold.
The distant church is foundChurch
leave, given how many times I cracked my head on the low beam inside!

Shiny Tree


The Gatehouse

Neat Tree

Leaning On A Bench

A Photo Of A Photo


Reflections On The Medway




Side Gate

Church Tower

Ferns In The Well

The View

Twin Photos


Tree Shadow

Shadowy Entrance

The Motte

Emerald Lady

Pretty Town

Have A Seat

Flag OVer Green

Photograph Me!

Gargoyle Topping

Window Guard

Greenwich Park
Having done the bank holiday castle the Monday called for something else, which turned out to be a stroll around Greenwich Park. The weather managed to stay sunny enough that the Gypsy Moth was crowded enough we had to perch on a wall when having a welcome to Greenwich drink. I was also very kindly bought lunch in Cafe Rouge.
The deer enclosure at Greenwich ParkDeer Closeup

Cutty Sark

London Town

Greenwich Panorama

Deer Closeup

Resting Deer

Tall Beam

Tree Shade

Nuts Are Nice

Crow Kiss

Spot The Squirrel


A Tree

Royal Observatory

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