Arty Times

As I mentioned in the last post we were at Tower Bridge close to Heather’s birthday (and mine), and so we’d actually made a weekend of it. We’d had dinner in a restaurant the night before and been in a hotel for that early bridge start. So we had the rest of Saturday and Sunday to enjoy, and had decided to take in some culture. Continue reading

Some Distant Catchup

Somehow it’s August September October, which means there’s things I’ve failed miserably to write about, and a little catchup is in order. Most of it, to be honest, is music orientated, which will follow in another post. But first…

A Underground Postal Round

It’s not often that you get to walk through tunnels below the streets of London, especially ones which were never used as a passenger service. But Heather and I did just that below the hill of Mount Pleasant, on an evening visit to Mail Rail.