Arty Times

As I mentioned in the last post we were at Tower Bridge close to Heather’s birthday (and mine), and so we’d actually made a weekend of it. We’d had dinner in a restaurant the night before and been in a hotel for that early bridge start. So we had the rest of Saturday and Sunday to enjoy, and had decided to take in some culture. Continue reading

Down The Tower

Back in Tower Bridge. As I briefly mentioned, it happens to be Heather’s favourite bridge, so I thought she deserved to see bit more of it as a little birthday treat. Which is why we found ourselves on a cold Saturday morning, standing outside the engine rooms, ready for a Continue reading

Up The Tower

The saw Heather and I enjoy a weekend break in the big city centre of London, where we got up to touristy things. More on the later, but the Saturday began with me heading into London (relatively) early in the morning laden with bags, and using the office as a Continue reading

Annual Castle

Catch up you fool! Well, okay. I’m trying my best. So this post is only two whole months late! Anyway, as per tradition, Heather and I went to Rochester and around the castle, which was good. Oh, and we found a new spot for lunch in Peggotty’s Parlour because the Continue reading