If you hang around an industry long enough all sorts of fluff attaches. One bit of such fluff that dropped onto my desk earlier today was the latest issue of a free magazine that I’ve somehow ended up on the mailing list of. It’s the normal type of such fluffiness, filled with articles written to get a company name out there and thinly disguised adverts in between the real ads. What made me smile is given the name of the publication is “Modern Building Services” it seemed a bit of a strange choice for a cover:

Cover of Modern Building Services
A cover photograph from an issue of Modern Building Services
That’s a picture of 35028 Merchant Navy Class Clan Line, preserved by the Merchant Navy Locomotive Preservation Society and frequently run as the Belmond British Pullman. It turns out, after flicking through twice to find a reference, it’s actually there as part of a small story ad for Ambirad’s Nor-ray-vac system. Cool train though.
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