
Not At Home


Half a talking doll

Having just visited I’m a bit sad to hear that the Secret Life Of The Home gallery at The Science Museum is to close. While, as I noted, it may be a bit dated it’s one of the better areas in that it’s full of actual objects—and actually does a pretty good job of showing the development of the technology that we actually interact with through the ages. Just reading that blog shows what may be one problem with it—the rest of the galleries mentioned all have a nice little sponsor name attached; the Secret… gallery feels like a throw back to an earlier age when the money concern wasn’t as great as the telling a story concern.


Vaccuum cleaners of the past

Apparently the objects will be moved to the Science and Innovation Park, somewhere near Swindon but looking at the location one hell of a lot harder to reach by sustainable transport than central London (I suppose if it actually turns out to be accessible to those without a car, then alongside STEAM it might actually give a reason to go to Swindon). I hope they keep the automated door at the Science Museum proper, to welcome a few more million visitors.

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