Things probably not in the job description: Helping to wind the mechanism of an old cattle market clock.
Things Tagged: #fb
So UKPN won’t talk to me because I’m not the name on an application form. The name on it is my colleague’s, who is now on holiday for a fortnight. Best advice: Redo the whole thing. #idiots
Hey, I Did That
Good to see the announcement that Newcastle Uni is getting a proper physics department again. It used to have one fifteen years-ago (!) when I graduated. Interesting to see some familiar names on the staff list too 🙂
Thought for the day: Exactly how much running around has a “free range egg” done?
Exactly what colour is “diary grey”? Sigh.
Come On Gateshead
Dear Cadbury please put Diary Milk back to its proper shape 🙁 That is all.
Am I the only one thinks “Reality Creation 4K hyperdrive” sounds more like something from Hitchhicker’s Guide to the Galaxy than a real thing?
One of the staff at Norwood Junction station has a habit of announcing where our late running train has reached/just left the preceding station. I’m sure he’s just trying to be helpful but his wording irks me every time. The [train] has just left East Croydon and is due in x minutes time
. No. No, it’s not due then; it’s due when the timetable says, normally several minutes ago. That’s just when you expect it to arrive.