Things probably not in the job description: Helping to wind the mechanism of an old cattle market clock.

So UKPN won’t talk to me because I’m not the name on an application form. The name on it is my colleague’s, who is now on holiday for a fortnight. Best advice: Redo the whole thing. #idiots


Hey, I Did That

Good to see the announcement that Newcastle Uni is getting a proper physics department again. It used to have one fifteen years-ago (!) when I graduated. Interesting to see some familiar names on the staff list too 🙂

Thought for the day: Exactly how much running around has a “free range egg” done?


Exactly what colour is “diary grey”? Sigh.


Dear Cadbury please put Diary Milk back to its proper shape 🙁 That is all.


One of the staff at Norwood Junction station has a habit of announcing where our late running train has reached/just left the preceding station. I’m sure he’s just trying to be helpful but his wording irks me every time. The [train] has just left East Croydon and is due in x minutes time. No. No, it’s not due then; it’s due when the timetable says, normally several minutes ago. That’s just when you expect it to arrive.
