
A Little Pub Crawl

The 51 Bus Route And Beyond!

We have a little pub crawl planned for —and by little I mean a crawl of the local Micropubs. There are two within walking distance of home but, more importantly, there are quite a few scattered along the route of the number 51 bus, starting in Sidcup and ending in Welling (or vice versa). And then a few more fairly easily connected to that, giving eleven (!) in total. To help plan I made a map:

Click for full size version (PDF Version)

The list:

* The 51 bus route pubs

(On a map)

We won’t be attempting all eleven, just five or six. I may (drunkenly?) update how it went.

It Starts

Beginning with a Howling Hop’s House IPA in the Hopper’s Hut

Tanner’s Box O’ Frogs at the Hackney Carriage

Halfway House

Welcome to the Hanger

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