Right, time for some catching up, beginning with a little trip to Southend with Heather, Faith, and Dylan to see another WAY member, Louise. It was like going to the seaside, but sort of not because it’s more on the river, but whatever!

Along the Southend beach
Faith picked Heather and I up as she was kind enough to drive us there. As well as lots of games of I-spy with Dylan the journey was exciting because I got to go through the Dartford Tunnel for the first time! We arrived at Louise’s to be met by the very mad Bear the dog, and some children. Then it was into the big people carrier and off to Southend proper.
As we strolled along the waterside it became apparent it’s actually a really lovely place. Given our obsession with collecting animal trails Heather and I were pleased to unexpectedly discover Hares About Town, though we didn’t really have time to collect many of them.
We stopped for some fish and chips for lunch, with the proprietor of Alfies just under the bridge to the pier being very friendly and accommodating—the food wasn’t bad either. Full up we crossed over the the pier, which is the longest pleasure pier in the world apparently. That explains the need for an actual full size railway running along it!

Along The Pier
Walking back to shore
The railway feels quite rickety as it takes you ever further from the land, the pier stretching out and out into the water, until eventually the end is reached. To be honest there’s not a great deal there after the journey. A few little huts (one with an inexplicable giant disco ball on its roof) and a lifeboat station at the very end which at least had a shop. It was soon time to get the train back though. Unfortunately it was a bit crowded so I decided to walk the length of the pier back. I just about beat the incoming rain to reach the far end.
That rain didn’t really do much and we were soon enjoying ice cream in the sun again, and doughnuts (not that I see the attraction of those hotly prepared tiny things). And then it was back to see Bear again, and some Lego, before heading home. This time I got to go over the Dartford Bridge for the first time. A lovely day out, and Southend goes on the list of places to revisit.

The River, The River


Heather And Hare

Rabbit Ears

NIce Tash

Harold Finehare

Random People

The Long Pier

Taking The Train From Shore

End Of The Pier

Disco Ball Hut

Along The Pier

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