As part of the fact I’ve been rubbish posting here’s another catch-up post, mentioning the bits of theatre seen in the latter half of the year.

Waiting For Alice
And the Pantaloons
In we took Heather’s mum across London to what looked like the very pretty Stephens House And Gardens, not that we had much time to look around it sadly on that lovely sunny day. We were are there to see a Pantaloons production of Alice In Wonderland which (despite Linda’s reservations about being too old) was as funny as expected.
then saw us again up at Severndroog Castle to see Changeling Theatre, this time with a bit of Shakespeare in Love’s Labours Lost. Probably not as good as last year’s Importance… but still a fine time.
Finally there was another chance to see The Pantaloons in , this time indoors at the rather strange Greenwich Theatre. There we watched a very silly production of Comedy Of Errors, with lots of running around playing different characters and trying to keep track of everything made even harder by the very small cast! Very funny.
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