
Rochester Time Travel

Medieval Scene

A few hundred years after you might expect

Another year has gone by so it must be about the time for Heather and I to visit Rochester Castle, so indeed we did.

We picked a good weekend to visit, for there was a “medieval camp” in the bailey, put on by the Medieval Siege Society. That meant I didn’t feel as guilty leaving Heather to her own devices while I went to the Jolly Knight for the first match of the season. Heather rejoined me at the end of that disappointment, and we headed up to the castle.

Happy At Rochester

Heather on the bench

A couple of musicians welcomed us through the entrance into the bailey and we were just in time to see a falconry demonstration—of course Heather had to have a go at flying one of the birds. A brief wander around the camp, with a number of stores selling trinkets and more specialist items, it was into the castle.

We are of course very familiar with the keep but we got the traditional photograph on the bench, as every year, and the views from the top are as spectacular as ever. Despite the familiarity we explored the entire keep before returning to outside in time to see a trebuchet in action, firing coconuts across the bailey. That was followed by a men-at-arms demonstration, with plenty of sword and pike action and some very floaty looking arrows.

After the excitement a little wander round ROchester brought us to the Eagle Tavern for a drink in the garden before home.

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