Advent Calendar 2022
There have been a few little upgrades (googly eyed penguin!)
It’s , and time for the greatest advent calendar in the world (as produced by the wonderful Heather)

Raisins! And Chocolate
The important little box of raisins, and a Dairy Milk
The first day and we start off with the important little box of raisins. And some chocolate of course, which all advent calendars should have.

Wispa It
Chocolate bar and the sticky luminous sprout
Into normal advent calendar time, and more chocolate in the form of a little Wispa (already scoffed). Also a sticky, spiky thing which did well rolling down the door when thrown. Makes a good stress fidget too.

Fudge And Carmel
A chocolate haul
A day of chocolate, with a Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Caramel and a little Fudge! Yum

Chocolate Continues
Another Dairy Milk Caramel and A Ferrero Rocher
The chocolate continues, with another caramel Dairy Milk and a Ferrero Rocher.
Ooh, Christmas themed Lego! A fun and interesting little build too, to form a Christmas wreath which will probably get hung on the tree once it’s up.
Another Ferroro and a friendly penguin The little puppet!Finger Puppet And Chocolate
Penguin On The Finget
Ooh, some chocolate and a fun little finger puppet. I like my little penguin!
Chocolate (a DinkyDecker) and a spinning top thing—I’m easily distracted by a spinning top thing.

Twister Blob
Chocolate and another sticky, spicky thing
It’s more chocolate and a pink version of the sticky thing from the (they continue to roll down the door much better if one remembers not to let them hit the floor).

Eclairs And Sticky
The sticky numbers are building
A similar result to , with a bit of chocolate and a sticky, spiky ball thing, this time blue. Turns out, in throwing them both at the door, the pink one rolls down quite a bit faster than the blue. This also causes them to swing around each other if thrown stuck together. Fun.

Turkey Dude
Probably for Thanksgiving more than Christmas
More Lego, with a minifig! He’s a turkey man, though the pumpkin suggests more of a Thanksgiving dude than a Christmas person. He’s fun though.

Crunchie Bits And Springy Monster
A fun combination
Another little chocolate snack (but it’s not Friday!) and a springy monster thing! Always fun waiting for them to spring!

Fudgey Rocher
Chocolate goodness
A good chocolate day, with a little Fudge and tasty Ferrero Rocher.

Further Choccy Goodness
Diary Milk and Ferrero Rocher
It’s another Ferrero Rocher day, which is good. This time with a little Dairy Milk.

Blocky Movey Thingy
And a wispa
A bit of chocolate, and a blocky thing that spins and moves around itself to form whatever shape you can manage. i made, an animal, I think.

Choco Time
Fudge and Crunchie (still not Friday)
Another day of chocolate, this time a Fudge and little Crunchie (still not Friday though).

Go Whistle For Chocolate
An interesting combination
Another Ferrero and a Christmas whistle! So at least I’ll be able to get Heather’s attention.

I See No Bananas
A little telescope and foam bananas
It’s a tiny spyglass and some foam bananas (yumm and yarrr!)

More Banananas!
And and Eclaire
More foam bananas today, and an Eclairs

Dinky Decker And Eclairs
Another chocolate day
A staple of advent calendars, with more chocolate. This time another Eclairs and further Dinky Decker!

Bananana Egg
Twister and foam bananananas
A chocolate and sweeties day, with a Cream Egg Twister and more foam banananas!

Finger Puppet In A Whorl
A friend for the penguin
It’s another puppet! A friend for the penguin (though, bizarrely, unlike the penguin which has a back, the rear of the gingerbread man is a front facing gingerbread man!). And a bit of choccy.

Chocolate Raisins
Dairy Milk and another little box of raisins
More little raisins, yey! And a Diary Milk, yum!

Spinning Fudge
Fudge bar and spinning top
We had a spinning top thing way back on the and there’s another one today, with a fudge bar!

A Knight
He’s very brave
Another Lego minifig, and a brave knight at that! With hobbyhorse!

Bouncy And Sticky
Things to fling and spring
It’s another springy alien! And some crawly, sticky, prickly, bobbly things.
That’s where most people’s advent calendars would end of course, but mine’s the best, so there’s still the to come!
Sweeties and a BooYou're My Boo
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